The High Temperature Corrosion and Protection Commission (CHT&P) gathers the organizations and people concerned by the degradation and protection of materials in high temperature environment. The fields of applications include combustion engines, gas turbines for energy transformation or for aeronautics, incinerators, heat exchangers, fuel cells, chemical reactors, nuclear reactors as well as glass, steel and ceramic industries.
The Commission’s objectives are:
The members and actors of the Commission are both teachers-researchers and research engineers regularly invested in High Temperature Corrosion and Protection
Currently, several universities (IJL-Nancy, UTC-Compiègne, ICB-Dijon, Centre des Matériaux des Mines de Paris, SPCTS-Limoges, Lasie-La Rochelle, LCTS-Bordeaux, SIMAP-Grenoble, CIRIMAT-Toulouse, LVEEM-Puy en Velay, SPIN-St Etienne), various public research organizations (CEA-Saclay, ONERA-Chatillon, IFP Energies Nouvelles-Solaize) and several industrialists (Veolia, Total, Aperam, Safran, Air Liquide, Actemium NDT Engineering & Services, Framatome, Arcelor, …) are involved with the Commission (
The Commission organizes meetings several times per year to present the progress of the different working groups. The minutes of the meetings are available online, in the members-only area of this website.
The active working groups of the Commission as well as their leaders are:
March 11-12, 2021 - Toulouse : Journées d'Etudes de la Cinétique Hétérogène (JECH 51),